1970 born in Ansbach, Germany
1991-1992 human medicine study at the Philipps university of Marburg
1992-1998 human medicine study to Erasmus university of Rotterdam, the Netherlands
1998 preservation of the title doctorandus (drs) by Erasmus university of Rotterdam, the Netherlands
1998-2000 "Kosschappen" in the university hospital of Dijkzigt Rotterdam, NL
2000 German and Dutch licence to practise medicine
2000 - 2002 continuing education as assistant in the dermatological practice, Dr.med. Franz Bayer in Ingolstadt
2002 - 2004 continuing education as assistant for dermatology in the PsoriSol skin clinic, professional clinic for dermatology and allergology, Hersbruck/Nürnberg, Germany
2004-2006 functional senior physician and late senior physician for dermatology in the PsoriSol skin clinic
From 2006 up till March 2009 vice leading senior physician and deputie of the medical manager, Prof. Dr. U. Amon, in the PsoriSol skin clinic as well as involves in the private practice Amon & colleagues in Regensburg
2011 preservation of the title "Dr.med." by university of Lübeck, Germany
Scientific activities:
In my time in the PsoriSol skin clinic I was also involved beside my medical activity in many studies and publications in the area of skin and cosmetics, among other things for companies like Procter&Gamble (Head&Shoulders), Galderma (Cetaphil product line) and Blue Lagoon (Iceland)
Member of the german dermatological society (DDG)
Member of the german society for dermatosugery (DGDC). This has arisen from the union for surgical dermatology (VOD) and the german society for dermatosurgery and aesthetics (DGDÄ)